Configuration properties#

A bot needs some parameters to be set to properly work. In this section, you will find all of them, and we will explain you how to load them in the bot.

A bot Property has a section, a name, a type and a default value (for when the property is not defined by the bot developer).

Loading properties#

You can define your bot properties in 2 different ways:

  • Using a configuration `.ini` file: It is a file containing all the bot properties. Let’s see an example config.ini file:

[websocket_platform] = localhost
websocket.port = 8765 = localhost
streamlit.port = 5000

telegram.token = YOUR-BOT-TOKEN

nlp.language = en
nlp.region = US
nlp.timezone = Europe/Madrid
nlp.pre_processing = True
nlp.intent_threshold = 0.4

nlp.openai.api_key = YOUR-API-KEY
nlp.intent.openai.model_name = gpt-4-turbo-preview

nlp.hf.api_key = YOUR-API-KEY
nlp.intent.hf.model_name = mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1

nlp.replicate.api_key = YOUR-API-KEY
nlp.intent.replicate.model_name = mistralai/mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v0.1

db.monitoring = False
db.monitoring.dialect = postgresql = localhost
db.monitoring.port = 5432
db.monitoring.database = DB-NAME
db.monitoring.username = DB-USERNAME
db.monitoring.password = DB-PASSWORD

Now you have to load the file into the chatbot:

bot = Bot('example_bot')
  • Setting individual properties: You can also set (and get) properties individually from the bot code.

from import NLP_LANGUAGE
bot = Bot('example_bot')
bot.set_property(NLP_LANGUAGE, 'es')
language = bot.get_property(NLP_LANGUAGE)


When you try to get a property that has not been previously set, it will return its default value.

You can also create your own properties:

from import Property
FACEBOOK_PROFILE = Property('facebook', 'facebook.profile', str, '')
bot.set_property(FACEBOOK_PROFILE, '')

Next, let’s see all the built in properties, divided by sections.


Definition of the bot properties within the nlp (Natural Language Processing) section = < object>#

The HuggingFace (Inference) API key, necessary to use a HuggingFace Inference API LLM in LLMIntentClassifier.

name: nlp.hf.api_key

type: str

default value: None = < object>#

The name of the HuggingFace model that wants to be used with LLMIntentClassifier.

name: nlp.intent.hf.model_name

type: str

default value: None = < object>#

The name of the OpenAI model that wants to be used with LLMIntentClassifier.

name: nlp.intent.openai.model_name

type: str

default value: None = < object>#

The name of the Replicate model that wants to be used with LLMIntentClassifier.

name: nlp.intent.replicate.model_name

type: str

default value: None = < object>#

The threshold for the Intent Classification problem. If none of its predictions have a score greater than the threshold, it will be considered that no intent was detected with enough confidence (and therefore, moving to a fallback scenario).

name: nlp.intent_threshold

type: float

default value: 0.4 = < object>#

The chatbot language. This is the expected language the users will talk to the chatbot. Using another language may affect the quality of some NLP processes.

The list of available languages can be found at snowballstemmer. Note that luxembourgish (lb) is also partially supported, as the language can be chosen, yet the stemmer is still a work in progress.

Languages must be written in ISO 639-1 format (e.g., ‘en’ for English)

name: nlp.language

type: str

default value: en = < object>#

Whether to use text pre-processing or not. Stemming is the process of reducing inflected (or sometimes derived) words to their word stem, base or root form.

Currently, only SimpleIntentClassifier and SimpleNER use this property. If LLMIntentClassifier is used, this property is ignored.

For example ‘games’ and ‘gaming’ are stemmed to ‘game’.

It can improve the NLP process by generalizing user inputs.

name: nlp.pre_processing

type: bool

default value: True = < object>#

The language region. If specified, it can improve some NLP process You can find a list of regions here.

name: nlp.region

type: str

default value: US = < object>#

The name of the Hugging Face model for the HFSpeech2Text bot component. If none is provided, the component will not be activated.

name: nlp.speech2text.hf.model

type: str

default value: None = < object>#

The name of the transcription engine for the Speech Recognition bot component. If none is provided, the component will not be activated.


type: str

default value: None = < object>#

The timezone. It is used for datetime-related tasks, e.g., to get the current datetime. A list of timezones can be found here.

name: nlp.timezone

type: str

default value: Europe/Madrid = < object>#

The OpenAI API key, necessary to use an OpenAI LLM in LLMIntentClassifier.

name: nlp.openai.api_key

type: str

default value: None = < object>#

The Replicate API key, necessary to use a Replicate LLM in LLMIntentClassifier.

name: nlp.replicate.api_key

type: str

default value: None

WebSocket Platform#

Definition of the bot properties within the websocket_platform section: = < object>#

The Streamlit UI host address. If you are using our default UI, you must define its address where you can access and interact with the bot.


type: str

default value: localhost = < object>#

The Streamlit UI address port. The Streamlit UI address is composed by a host name and a port

name: streamlit.port

type: int

default value: 5000 = < object>#

The WebSocket host address. A chatbot has a WebSocket server that has to establish connection with a WebSocket client.


type: str

default value: localhost = < object>#

WebSocket’s maximum size of incoming messages, in bytes. None disables the limit.

name: websocket.max_size

type: int

default value: None = < object>#

The WebSocket address port. The WebSocket address is composed by a host name and a port

name: websocket.port

type: int

default value: 8765

Telegram Platform#

Definition of the bot properties within the telegram_platform section: = < object>#

The Telegram Bot token. Used to connect to the Telegram Bot

type: str

default value: None


Definition of the bot properties within the db (Database) section = < object>#

Whether to use the monitoring database or not. If true, all the DB_MONITORING_* properties must be properly set.

name: db.monitoring

type: bool

default value: False = < object>#

The database name.

name: db.monitoring.database

type: str

default value: None = < object>#

The database dialect (e.g., postgresql).

name: db.monitoring.dialect

type: str

default value: None = < object>#

The database host address (e.g., localhost).


type: str

default value: None = < object>#

The database password.

name: db.monitoring.password

type: str

default value: None = < object>#

The database port (e.g., 5432).

name: db.monitoring.port

type: int

default value: None = < object>#

The database username.

name: db.monitoring.username

type: str

default value: None

API References#