
Entities are used to specify the type of information to extract from user inputs. These entities are embedded in intent parameters.

Custom entities#

Let’s see how to create your own entities for your bot.

bot = Bot('weather_bot')
city_entity = bot.new_entity('city_entity', entries={
    'Barcelona': ['BCN', 'barna'],
    'Luxembourg': ['LUX'],

Entities have a set of entries. Each entity entry is composed by a value (e.g. ‘Barcelona’) and a list of (optional) synonyms of the value (useful for values that can be called in different ways, but refer to the same concept). In this example entity, you could add all the cities you want the bot to be able to recognise. In a real use case, you could also get a complete list of cities in a country and create an entity with that entries.

In Intents with parameters, we explain how to embed entities in intent parameters.

Entity descriptions#

If you want to use the LLM Intent Classifier, you can create an entity without values. Instead, you just would need to provide a description for that entity, although you can still add values to it. This is an example intent with a description:

email_entity = bot.new_entity(
    description='An entity containing email addresses',

In this example, the LLM Intent Classifier will be able to recognize and extract email addresses from user messages.

Base entities#

In Bot-Framework, we include a set of predefined entities that can be used in any intent parameter like custom entities. The difference is that you don’t need to define them. We do it for you!

The following list describes all currently implemented base entities:



Example values


Matches a number

3, 3.5, -3.5, minus three


Matches a date, a time or a date-time

2023-09-14, 08:30:00, 1985‑09‑25 17:45:30, today, tomorrow at 5pm, in five years and 2 weeks, 3 months ago

Let’s see how to use base entities with an example:

from besser.bot.library.entity.base_entities import number_entity

age_intent = bot.new_intent('age_intent', [
    'I am NUM years old',
    'My age is NUM
age_intent.parameter('age', 'NUM', number_entity)
def age_body(session: Session):
    predicted_intent: IntentClassifierPrediction = session.predicted_intent
    age = predicted_intent.get_parameter('age').value
    session.set('age', age) # Save the age in the user session
    session.reply('Thanks for the information')

API References#