
The File class was added as a way to help with the definition of file objects that are both sent and received by users.

File Object Definition#

A file object consists of 3 attributes:

  • name (str): The name of the file.

  • type (str): The type of the file.

  • base64 (str): The base64 representation of the file.

Yet, to create a file object using the constructor, 3 options are possible.

  • Providing the file content as a base64 string

  • Providing a file path

  • Providing the raw file data, in bytes

With this, we want to allow users to choose the option that is easiest to them and take care of the necessary conversion. Thus, users can choose whether to set file_base64, file_path or file_data.

Receiving and Sending Files#

If a developer wants to add the handling of receiving files to a platform, apart from the platform specific implementation (that is independent of the BBF), the received file will need to be transformed into a file object and forwarded to the running bot as follows (“bot” will be the running bot instance that should be available in the platform):

bot.receive_file(, file=file)

In case a file transition was specified, the transition will take place and the file object will be available in the Session attribute:

def body(session: Session):
    file = session.file
    file_name =
    file_type = file.type
    file_base64_data = file.base64
    # further processing here

For sending files to the users, bot creators will first have to create a file object and use the following platform-specific function (not every platform might support it):

def body(session: Session):
    file = File(file_name="name", file_type="type", file_base64="file_base64")
    websocket_platform.reply_file(session=session, file=file)
    # OR
    telegram_platform.reply_file(session=session, file=file)
    # in case you want to add a caption to your file, you can also set the message parameter
    telegram_platform.reply_file(session=session, file=file, message="Your Message")

API References#