Telegram platform#

The Telegram Platform allows a bot to communicate with the users using Telegram.

Telegram is a great platform for chatbots. You can create a Telegram bot through the Bot Father and then, link it to our BBF chatbot. This way, you can define your chatbot architecture and logics, and then use your Telegram bot as the communication channel.

Our Telegram Platform uses the python-telegram-bot library, which is a Telegram Bot API wrapper for Python.

Telegram demo

Example chatbot using Telegram#


There are some properties the bot needs in order to properly set the Telegram connection. More details in the configuration properties documentation.

How to use it#

After you instantiate your bot, simply call the following function:

bot = Bot('example_bot')
telegram_platform = bot.use_telegram_platform()

After that, you can use the platform to send different kinds of messages to the user (from state bodies):

  • Text messages (strings):

telegram_platform.reply(session, 'Hello!')
  • Files:

file = File(file_name="name", file_type="type", file_base64="file_base64")
telegram_platform.reply_file(session, file, message='Optional caption')
  • Images:

telegram_platform.reply_image(file=f, session=session, message='Optional caption') # the file must be an image
  • Locations:

latitude, longitude = 49.50177449302207, 5.94862573528648
telegram_platform.reply_location(session, latitude, longitude)


The bot cannot detect when a user opens the Telegram chat window. Therefore, to start the conversation, it is needed a first message to “wake the bot up”. After that, it will start running the initial state.

⏳ We are working on other replies (files, media, charts…). They will be available soon, stay tuned!


The python-telegram-bot library (Telegram Bot API Python wrapper under our Telegram Platform) uses handlers to handle bot updates (e.g., the user sends a text message, an image, a command, etc.). Our Telegram Platform interface allows you to add custom handlers to your bot, so this feature is not lost when using BBF.

This is an example handler function that will be executed when bot receives the /help command:

from telegram import Update
from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, ContextTypes
async def help(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):
    session_id = str(
    session = bot.get_or_create_session(session_id)
    session.reply('Please introduce a number between 1 and 10')

help_handler = CommandHandler('help', help)



You can take the built-in handlers as a reference to create handlers integrated with the bot.

Our Telegram Platform has the following built in handlers:

  • One to handle all user text messages (that simply captures the messages and sends them to the bot).

  • A reset handler that resets the bot when the user writes the command /reset.

  • A voice message handler (you need to set the Speech-to-Text component to enable voice messages)

  • A file handler to receive files from the user

  • An image handler to receive images from the user (images are a subset of files)

Telegram Wrapper#

The BBF Telegram Platform wraps some functionalities of the python-telegram-bot library (such as adding handlers or replying messages, files or locations), but not all of them.

In order to use other features not included in BBF yet, we included a __getattr__ function in the TelegramPlatform class. It forwards the method calls not implemented in TelegramPlatform to the underlying Telegram bot (ExtBot class, which is an extension of the Bot class).

That means you can call any function from the TelegramPlatform as you would do in the Telegram bot!

Let’s see an example.

You could use send_audio to send audios to the user. Since this is not integrated in our TelegramPlatform, you can simply call it and it will be forwarded:

def example_body(session: Session):
    # The session id is the Telegram chat_id
    telegram_platform.send_audio(, my_audio, title='Hello World')

Note that the TelegramPlatform wrappers also involve other actions. For instance, when the bot replies a message, it is added to an internal chat history stored in the user session. You can also customize what is done when calling any function. You could update the chat history to record the audio messages, either adding the audio or simply a log message:

def custom_send_audio(session, audio):
    # Bot messages are identified with a 0, user messages with a 1
    session.chat_history.append(('audio sent', 0))
    # or
    session.chat_history.append((audio, 0))
    telegram_platform.send_audio(, my_audio, title='Hello World')

def example_body(session: Session):
    custom_send_audio(session, audio)

API References#